February 2, 2025
Employee Engagement: Driving Productivity PDF Print Email

A global services firm conducted an employee engagement survey that indicated engagement levels lower than the norm, in part, related to communication issues. Because engagement is linked to performance and retention, the firm wanted to better understand and resolve communication issues that were proving a barrier to success.

Siegfried Dunlay designed and led a series of data-gathering meetings with employees from around the world. The focus groups were conducted through meetings and video conferencing. Results were summarized into a report and presentation used by the leadership team.

Results indicated a number of gaps in the communications process. The data was used to build an action plan for enhancing communication at all levels of the organization.

"Even though some of this feedback is tough to take in, I’m not looking at it as a bad thing. What we have to do is fix it. This is an excellent report and eye opening."

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