December 23, 2024
Achieve Your Goals Through Tenacity and Growth PDF Print Email

Two key characteristics can fuel your work and life success:

You will face obstacles every day - both large and small. Some days you need to go AROUND the obstacle. Some days you need to climb OVER the obstacle. Either way, you need to keep your mojo UP when you get knocked down. Just simply get back up and keep moving forward.

Goals are important to set and if you focus on the growth needed to get to those goals, you will “achieve” your goals. But if you are overly focused on the end result, such as getting a promotion, you aren’t focused on doing building the skills you need to be worthy of a promotion.

Don’t skip the “journey” to shortcut your way to the destination; this typically doesn’t work well for most people.


  • Embrace the challenges you face each and every day…
  • Stretch yourself to continuously build new skills…
  • Gain the experiences needed to achieve your goals and you will experience success.