December 23, 2024
“Lean In” to Growth PDF Print Email

Growth happens in our lives when we are pushing to the edge of our comfort zone or a little beyond…whether it’s taking a risk, facing a fear or trying a new behavior. It can be easy to test the water and back off when resistance is felt from others. But resistance can be a natural part of the change curve, requiring a little more confidence to keep moving forward.

Here are a few things to consider as you expand your comfort zone as a leader.

  • Managers have employees…Leaders win followers.
  • Managers react to change…Leaders create change.
  • Managers try to be heroes…Leaders make heroes of others.
  • Managers accept status quo…Leaders challenge status quo.
  • Managers have their eyes on the bottom line…Leaders have their eyes on the horizon.

We challenge you to think about an area in your work or personal life where you can push your comfort zone to grow as a leader.

“Action cures fear. Indecision and postponement fertilize fear.”
—Brian Johnson