Providing Constructive Performance Feedback |
Here are a few tips to deliver constructive feedback and make it a positive experience for your employee: Giving performance feedback is an essential part of being a leader. When done properly, it can promote trust between you and your teams, reduce stress and improve relationships. - Have the conversation when you are calm.
- Describe specific behaviors or actions that are problematic and give examples.
- Offer feedback on actions that need to be taken, not personality or qualities.
- Explain the effect the behavior has on the rest of the team.
- Listen and acknowledge excuses that may be provided but stay focused on the behavior.
- Offer specific suggestions for improvement and ask for a change in behavior.
- Reaffirm the person’s ability to make the change.
- Conclude with encouragement, ending on a positive note.
Be sure to observe subsequent performance, and if improvement occurs, offer praise.